This section of the website allows game publishers and developers to access the services provided by the ESRB.The section contains information on:
Getting a Game Rated
Appealing a Rating
Rating Certificate and Submission Updates
Advertising & Marketing Guidelines
Download Library
Enforcement System
Contacting ESRB
Registration is required to access this section. If a User Name and Password have already been provided to you by the ESRB, please log in using the box to the right.
Please provide a digital cover letter on company letterhead describing your company, the product(s) intended to be submitted for rating, past products developed, and general information including your website address, full contact information (phone, mail, e-mail), list of executive officers and designated ESRB contact person within your company. This information, in addition to any other helpful materials (i.e. media kits, demos, etc.) should be sent to:
ESRB will generally contact submitting companies within five business days of receipt of these materials. If your registration is confirmed, your designated ESRB contact person will receive additional instructions via the e-mail address provided.